- 2019
- Jinju Namgang
Yudeung Festival - “Water Fire Light and or Wishes”

We invite you to the festival of light that is laid out in
beautiful Namgang and Jinjuseong.
Jinju Namgang Yudeung Festival- Duration10.01. ~ 10.13.2019
- PlaceAround Namgang
- Hosted byJinju City, Jinju Culture & Art Foundation
- Supervised byJinju Namgang Yudeung Festival Operating Committee
- Sponsored byMinistry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Gyeongnam Province, Korea Tourism organization, Gyeongnam Education Office, Presses
100 years of memories
We invite you to the festival of light that is laid out in
beautiful Namgang and Jinjuseong.

Installation Large Theme light: Loop Fight
The lights have to be made with large lanterns, and the area names “The Beauty of Korea”. So, it will imprint on tourists that the festival will jump into the global festival and it is very Korean.
Loop: 15m x 3m x 8m: 2 (length x width x height) 4 generals, 8 flags, 36 people

Installation Large Theme Light: Bull Fight
According to the historical records, the bull fight might begin from a sandy field in Nam river or it might begin to memory bulls which were killed by Japanese military in Japanese Invasion of Korea in 1592. Making Jinju Bull Fight which is the famous thing in Jinju
Bull: 10m x 3m x 4.5m : 2 (length x width x height)

Installation Large Theme Light: Phoenix
The phoenix has been considered a mythical animal which doesn’t eat living bugs and grasses. Moreover, the phoenix has been a sacred animal because it built a nest and spawned in Jinju. So, we call the place “Nest of the Phoenix” Making appearance of the phoenix which wishes rich and powerful with reign of peace of Jinju.
Phoenix: 25m x 3m x 4.5m : 2 (length x width x height)

High-tech Fish Robot
Installation fish holder near a pontoon bridge to watch moving robot fishesbr
- Size 500 x 250 x 110: less than 20 fishes
- Speed 30cm/s (Max 60cm/s)
- Autorun from 6 pm to 11 pm during the night event

Gate of Memory
– Traditional game that can recall the old memories. Making with modern building.

Statue of General Kim Shimin in Jinju Fortress.
In the past, the lawn plaza which is the main event theme zone was loved by many tourists. So, now Jinju style and Korean style atmosphere is produced in the plaza in 2019 by various lanterns which cherished memories, history of 100 years ago, and Joseon dynasty. (ex: train, lunch box etc).

Installation large jujube trees
Pomegranate of Jinju’s flower in 2017, Egret of Jinju’s bird in 2018. So, jujube tree of Jinju’s tree will be scheduled to install in 2019 (Height 12m, 50 jujubes)
Jujube Tree of Jinju (designated date: April.01.1996) the jujube is a family of the buckthorn and distributed over a wide area. It is strong for cold and pollution, so it is easy to cultivate. So, it symbolizes strong temperament and filial piety.

The Cretaceous in Jinju (Working Title)
The fossils of dinosaur which were found in Jinju embodies. Music fountain is decorated with the cretaceous. 10 large (plan-eating, meat-eating dinosaurs, and pterodactyl, and slides) 30 medium-small

Kid Zone – Animation characters (Pinkpong shark family)
New making shark family which was really popular with its songs by kids.

Religion Event – dragon lantern in Walkyoung Buddhist temple
Religion Event in Walkyoung Buddhist temple
- existing large dragon lantern, 1 elephant lantern, 2 small / new making large brown dragon lantern in preparation.

Expansion for Lantern Floating Place
The lantern floating place / 3m x 6m (3 lanterns)
Open hours 6 pm to 11 pm
In 2019, operated with additional installation of 3m x 6m lanterns

Near outdoor concert hall: hot-air balloon model
Install modern lanterns for 20 ~ 30s visitors who are main
Size: 35cm

Sidewalk of Jinju and Chunsu Bridge – Love’s Street
Producing more improved Jinju and Chunsu bridge programs to satisfy visitors.

Rampart of Gongbook gate in Jinju fortress
Exhibition of a great victory in the Jinju fortress from Choksung to Gongbook gate in Jinju fortress (featuring busking)

Expansion of Lantern Street Parade
The goal of the parade is to wish successful event which people can voluntarily participate. So, the parade which includes Jinju’s unique features will be larger and more characteristic than existing parades, and it can make that local art agencies and local citizens make into one.

Installation lanterns in entrance of Jinju
Installation lanterns to create atmosphere of event at the entrance of Jinju – SeoJinju IC, Jinju IC, Moonsan IC.

Local vitalization which connects with the event.
Display pieces of contest which used to display in Jinju fortress and its exhibition may connect with the event.

New Program - Closing firework event
We didn’t make closing firework event at the end of the event in 2000, so we considered the quality of the event might be down. So, we will make closing firework event at 8 pm on October 13 when the end date of the event in 2019. We will plan the firework for wish of 2020.

New Program - Water Lighting Show
Producing water-screen and electronic display of amazing music videos which are used with light in Nam river.
- The show will be planned with differentiated lighting system in each 4 different places.
- The show will be twice a day.

New Program - Development day trial program
Jinju’s fun and unique program which targets to kids who visit in daytime.
- Making 2 kinds of pop-up books about Jinju fortress, and the event story.
- Making hand-made note which features old map of Jinju
- Making leather keychain which features Jinju’s typography
- Making hand-made chocolate which features Jinju’s relics
- Woodcraft trial program of Worasan Mountain and Wood land.

Expansion for the Event Amenities.
Managing event broadcasting station
Managing lantern broadcasting station.
- Setting internet broadcasting station to bring out the liveliness
- Real-time live show by Youtube, Facebook, and other apps to deliver about event and event promotion
- Host show program with Mc from the broadcasting station (History of Jinju, Quiz show)
- Open hours: 5 pm ~ 11 pm
- The goal is to communicate with tourists and organizers

Expansion for the Event Amenities.
Establishment of administration town
Change of Mangkyoungdong situation room.
We will seek the change of the event and manage differentiated booth.
Police station and emergency room will also be operated to help tourists’ convenience through remodeling of existing tents.

Expansion for the Event Amenities.
Manage souvenir store which has Jinju’s unique features.
We will sell very kinds of hand-made souvenirs which are made by young artists, and promote Jinju’s relics to understand about Jinju and to contribute local economy vitalization
Moreover, we will help visitors of the event through establishing administration town.
introduce the Jinju of culture and art.